Congratulations to every Man of Valour reading this book. I pray that this book will be a blessing to you and all the Men of Valour out there.
This Month of February in our Men of Valour platform is the Month of *The Rising Man.
By this, we are digging deep into what it takes for a man to grow and mature into his place of legacy at any stage of his life.
To be The Rising Man means to know what is expected of you as a man. It also means to succeed more and fail less.
A Rising Man stands up when he fails and rises higher when help comes.
In this book, I will be talking about 6 Stages of The Rising Man
Life is in phases. No matter how strong or energetic you feel today, the truth is that your energy will gradually deteriorate, but you may not notice it because it is a very slow process.
So The Life of the Rising Man has Seven 6 stages.
One of the advantages of a Rising Man is the ability to realize what stage he is at any point in the Journey of his life.
Failure to recognize this leads to stress, disappointment, failure, and even death.
The worst thing that will happen to a man is a lack of realization of what stage he is in Life.
When you see a man in his 70s, looking for a brown-collar job such as being a gate man, then you know that no one thought him the Phases of The Rising Man in his youth.
There is a place you should be sitting at any point in your life in the
Let us look at these Stages.
Stage 1:
12-25 YEARS:
1. At this stage of your life you should be in training.
2. Learning and seeking out how things work from the basics.
3. Don't be afraid to ask stupid questions.
4. Knowledge and skill should be your pursuit
5. Take up new difficult tasks and assignments in learning.
6. Climb the mountains and ride the valley to Learn.
7. Fearless and courageous to enquire and search the moon.
8. Focus and focus on school and higher education.
9. Exploration: Discovering interests, hobbies, and personal values.
9. Build friendships and social skills. Learn to speak well.
10. Establishing healthy habits. Learn to dress well and appear neat before people.
This is not the stage to feel that you have failed or that you are poor. No, you are not. You are learning.
Don't be envious of anyone and don't let anyone tell you can't do it. Just keep learning.
Are you at this stage 1?
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Stage 2
25-30 YEARS
1. You should be out of formal training and start to apply yourself to work.
2. Find a good company/business/ministry to work for even if the pay is low.
3. Sit with experts and soak in from their experience.
4. Be broad and not narrow.
5. Learn how things work in business, ministry, and the global world.
6. Take up tasks that other people dread.
7. Get into the face of challenges.
8. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn.
9. Fail if you have to and recover quickly. It is your time.
10. Establish a career path and financial stability.
11. Relationships: Build useful and meaningful romantic and social connections.
12. Further your education or skill development if you can.
13. Invest in Your Personal Growth and self-discovery.
Are you at this Stage 2?
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If your Age is at Stage 2 but you are still doing things in Stage 1, you have to wake up from Sleep.
Let's look at Stage 3. Are you ready?
Stage 3
30-40 YEARS
1. You should be aspiring to advance for growth in your field of work.
2. Grow your network
3. Begin to narrow into an expert position in your field.
4. Build specialty and command attention.
5. People should be inviting you to give what you carry.
6. Pursuing career advancement and financial planning becomes key here.
7. Family: Start a family or focus on existing relationships. This is where you start settling down to marry.
8. Health: Maintain physical and mental well-being. Your health will not be the same at age 20. So what you eat and how you exercise become key.
9. Develop Long-term goals and investments. Begin to set your eyes on investment legacies.
10. Think of what you will leave behind from where you are now and begin to focus your energy on establishing.
Are you at this STAGE?
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At Stage 1 and 2 you can afford to make mistakes but when you are at Stage 3, the cost of your mistakes becomes too high.
So your steps in Stage 3 should be out of proven counsel and spiritual guidance. Avoid mistakes or making emotional decisions even in marriage at this stage.
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Now Let's Look at Stage 4
Stage 4
40-50 YEARS
In Football, this is called Half Time.
If you are here, The Rising Man should pursue one thing: Stability, not fantasy.
1. At this stage, You should be stabilized in your field of work and family.
2. Start a new business but be careful not to venture into fantasy dreams.
3. Become a mentor and role model. Teaching others.
4. Become what you should be remembered for. An Engineer, a musician, a Minister.
5. Find a balance: Juggling career, family, and personal interests.
6. Plan for your children's education and future.
7. Helping friends and family relations should be reduced.
8. Focus and build your children and wife. They are your priorities.
9. Don't think of a family breakup at this stage. It is too costly.
10. Save for your retirement. This is key. I will talk more about this.
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Don't play with your finances at this Stage. Don't gamble here. If your finances suffer here, many things will go wrong.
Pursue contacts and links that could increase your financial net worth and Increase your income stream.
Don't be spiritually cold. This is where the trials of Job sets in the life of a man. So Watch and pray.
Stage 5
50-60 years:
If you are at this stage, as a Rising Man, you are now in your 2nd Half of Life. The last and final half.
1. You should be building a legacy to leave behind and establishing memories of your influence in society.
2. Solidify and command authority on what you are known for.
3. Don't be hungry to start trying new fancy things unless it is proven. No time for experiments.
4. Don't take jobs that take you back to learning new equations and formulas.
5. Take jobs that demand building strategies and leadership.
6. Start Preparing for retirement: Financial planning and health considerations.
7. Support children in their transition to adulthood.
8. Reevaluate and reflect on your life journey and ambitions.
9. Become a spiritual leader and an example to younger men.
10. Eliminate irrational decisions and hot temperament in your actions completely.
Are you in this stage of Life?
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Stage 6
70-80 YEARS
At this stage as a Rising Man:
1. You should be happily, retiring and relaxing into the fruit of your labor.
2. Be respected for holding the truth in Old age and guiding the young to grow.
3. Don't stress yourself pursuing troubled waters and fantasy ventures.
4. Not time for looking for new jobs or chasing new careers.
5. Be active in what you have established. But get your children to handle most things.
6. Be content and gracious for the life you have lived.
7. Remove regret about what didn't work in life. Celebrate what worked.
8. Remember your friends and memories of good moments.
9. Have your WILL written and signed.
10. Spending time with family and grandchildren.
11. Start end-of-life decisions.
Are you in this stage of Life?
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I hope this teaching helps you to figure out where you are and where you should be.
PRAYER is that the Lord will give you speed and accelerate to Rise to your age and Stage of relevance.
If you have questions or want to discuss this privately, do reach out to me and I will schedule time with you.
Question of the Day:
At what Stage and Age should a Rising Man be venturing into new things and not be afraid of failing?
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